Thursday, June 6, 2013

Stillness, Splurging, & The Lord of the Dance


Lord of the Dance Pose - Natarajasana

The Lord of the Dance Pose is inspired by the Hindu god Shiva. Shiva was considered the lord of the dance. He dances an energetic dance of life and death, bringing all opposites together to create a new life. Regardless of our religious beliefs we all are a part of this dance of life. We all have to learn to integrate polar opposites into our lives to create change and balance.
Strengthens and stretches chest, shoulders
Strengthens legs
Stretches groin, thighs
Improves balance
Releases tension in the ankle and foot
Strengthens spine
Low blood pressure
This pose will test your balance, so move slowly into the pose,
keep your hips squared and facing forward.
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Body-Yoga Lord of the Dance Pose

Today's topic is about taking two seemingly complete opposites and bringing them into a whole, realizing that the two opposites are really just the same thing, varying only in degree. Varying only in our perception of them. The meditation will be easy for some and difficult for others. Many will not be able to sit still and focus on one thing for long, much less think and do absolutely nothing. For some it will be easy as pie, but they will have the hardest time going out and splurging on something they really want. The person who can't be still may have no problem spending money and splurging like crazy. The idea is we should have both in our life, moments of inner bliss and outer bliss without having to sacrifice one for the other. Instead we should strive for balance and stop living in the extreme of things. On one hand you learned about balance that costs you nothing (inner stillness) and balance that costs a lot (whatever your splurge on). The Lord of the Dance pose is the balance between the two. It is a difficult pose to master, it will take sometime before the full position in all it's beauty can be achieved. It requires balance, the movement actually insists it be done with grace. Image how horrible you will look the first time you try it. But one day you will move into it with grace, pose, and utter beauty becoming the Lord or Lady of the Dance of life having gone through death (of the old you) and found balance.


"So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing."
-T. S. Eliot- 

Stillness Through The Breath
Assume a comfortable position. Relax your body slightly. Inhale through your nose to a slow count of 3, 4, or 5, whatever is comfortable. Remember to allow the air to fill your diaphragm as well as you lungs. Retain the air, then exhale to the same slow count. Focus on nothing else but your breathe, think of nothing else but your breathe, be still, be silent and just breathe. Do this for about 10 minutes at least and enjoy your day!

Note: Many people do not breathe correctly. When you inhale you push your stomach and fill your lungs with air. When you exhale you pull your stomach in and release the air. When your asked to hold the breath, it's at end of the inhale, with your lungs full.


"The lack of money is the root of all evil."
-Mark Twain- 

Treating Yourself Without Guilt
Since we are dealing with polarity today and the need to bring things into balance. Today your money lesson is to go out and buy something that you really want. The idea is for it to really be a treat or a splurge. For the ladies your treat could be a new lipstick, a day at the spa, a new dress. For the guys your treat could be some new silk boxers, an expensive haircut, a new suit, or watch, the possibilities or endless. Go out and get your happy on!

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 Image courtesy of Mr. Lightman at

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